Hailey Alday's Fundraiser

Help us continue our bounce-back from the difficulties of the pandemic.
Help support my child’s karate school, Thank you!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Dear friends,
As you know, my daughter Hailey has started training in karate at a school called Thousand Waves. She has become stronger and more confident by the week. I am so proud!
More than the physical skills, Thousand Waves teaches children a variety of important lessons. Kids learn to be courageous and try new things; they learn what it is to have ‘non-quitting spirit’, to work hard and apply themselves “100% in all situations,” even when things get hard. They learn to be kind and show respect to their classmates, their family, and their teachers.
In this troubled world, we know it is important that kids continue to learn the importance of respect and to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully, “without raising a fist in anger.” When children have conflicts, the teachers and staff model for them nonviolent ways of resolving conflict. At Thousand Waves children learn to use their voice to say what they need and they practice respecting the needs of others. Thousand Waves staff also works with youth and teens in their programs to give them strategies against bullying.
Thousand Waves also operates a scholarship program, which directly supports children and adults all across the city who can’t otherwise afford to, to train in karate and take their self-defense workshops and courses.
I hope you’ll support this important work. Thousand Waves is a non-profit organization that survives because of the commitment of its members and allies, and these events are part of its once-a-year Spirit Challenge Fundraiser. I’m asking you to support me and support Thousand Waves by making a pledge on behalf of Hailey. It’s easy to do. Just click here https://thousandwaves.networkforgood.com/projects/..., which is our fundraising page, and go from there. If you prefer to mail in your donation, there’s a link on my page for downloading a form.
Thanks for your support,
Edith Trejo