Carlotta  Harold

Carlotta Harold's Fundraiser

It all starts with one wave, image

It all starts with one wave,

which sets thousands more in motion.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,000 towards $750

Carlotta Harold's Story, on behalf of Team Sister Act:

At our karate school, Thousand Waves, Rosie, Ramona and I learn that Seido, our style of karate, means "the sincere way". It is called this because the founder of Seido karate, Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura, used to do a style of karate called Kyokushin. This style of karate was full contact and very violent, based solely on doing physical martial arts. Kaicho decided that he wanted karatekas (people who practice karate) to not only learn the physical part of of karate, but also the mentality of it. So, at Thousand Waves, we learn not only how to karate, but also respect, responsibility, and community. Please help us support this wonderful non-profit organization with your donation. Your donations help Thousand Waves so much. They support scholarship students, ASK (Adapted Seido Karate, for karatekas with disabilities), and so much more.