Carmen Munoz

Carmen Munoz's Fundraiser

Provide Affordable Karate & Self Defense for Victims of Assault image

Provide Affordable Karate & Self Defense for Victims of Assault

Help me give women the useful techniques they deserve

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

Hello everyone, I am fundraising for a Thousand Waves. I started to go to a Self-defense workshop this year. It has really helped me. I learned how to use my voice, to know what to do in a threatening situation and to set boundaries with acquaintances and family. I am currently taking Karate classes. The purpose of this fundraising is to raise enough money for particularly women who cannot afford these Self defense workshops and want and need to learn self defense techniques to be safe. Before deciding to go to Thousand Waves I was going to a Brazilian Jiu jitsu Bjj school where there were more men and to make the story a bit short I was sexually assaulted by another student during class and when I finally decided to speak with the instructor which was a week later. The instructors and the head coach decided to suspend me and the other student. My point is sexual assault can happen anywhere. By fundraising to a Thousand Waves you are fundraising for females who can't afford it and it will really help support safety strategies. Plus a Thousand Waves is female friendly and they care and provide safety. Please donate. Any amount can help.

Thousand Waves was named based on the Japanese saying, "One wave sets thousands in motion." Thank you for helping us make waves!