Amy Frazzini

Amy Frazzini's Fundraiser

Help us raise our way to success! image

Help us raise our way to success!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$175 towards $450

Here we are again, folks! Another year of fundraising for this wonderful organization.

Thousand Waves has been a second home for me this past year. No matter what happens with life or work, I can always go back to Thousand Waves for grounding, healing, and empowerment.

Not to mention the absolutely incredible community that welcomes every person of every background through the dojo doors.

A little more information on where your money is going:

  • Scholarship program, which provides funding for children and adults who wouldn't otherwise be able to study karate or self-defense.
  • Adapted Seido Karate program (ASK), which provides karate for youth with disabilities.
  • Self-Defense/Violence Prevention program, which provides Self-defense and Bystander Intervention workshops and courses all over the city.

Thousand Waves was named based on the Japanese saying, "One wave sets thousands in motion." Thank you for helping us make waves!