marla cohen's Fundraiser

Help us continue our bounce-back from the difficulties of the pandemic.
Thank you for supporting our not-for-profit work!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Thank you for supporting Thousand Waves mission to foster fitness, healing, empowerment and peacemaking.
Dear Friends,
This November I will turn 68. I have been training at Thousand Waves since 1989. In March of 2015 I earned my 5th degree black belt in Seido karate, participating in a rigorous 12-hour overnight test from 5pm to 5am with other Seido martial artists from all over the world at my headquarter school in NYC. Training in karate has become an important part of my life and I want to share with you why.
I do this because I love it and I love it because it helps me feel strong, vibrant, and alive. With the onset of the global pandemic of COVID 19, I like so many others were completely emotionally and physically thrown. Through a strong schedule of Zoom Marial Arts classes I was able to keep up with my training and connect with my dojo community. I cannot begin to tell you how this helped me through some very tough times especially this past year AND IT STILL DOES!!!
At Thousand Waves we teach the skills of conflict resolution and verbal peace-making from the get-go. We teach that in a troubled world it is imperative to examine the origins of violence, both in others and ourselves, and work, in whatever ways we can, small and large, to mitigate it. We do this in a number of ways. We work with teens to give them strategies against bullying. We partner with organizations all over the city of Chicago serving victims of domestic violence, homeless and insecurely housed youth, LGBTQ organizations, immigrants and refugees, college-aged women, and others across the spectrum of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation.
Thousand Waves is a non-profit organization that survives because of the commitment of its members and allies, and these events are part of our once-a-year Spirit Challenge Fundraiser. I’m asking you to support me and support Thousand Waves by making a pledge on my behalf. It’s easy to do.
Thanks for your support!